
  For: 9780226440095 Count 1

Wild mammals in captivity :
Kleiman, Devra G.,

ISBN: 0226440095
Pub. Date: 2010.
Call Number: QL704 .W55 2010 MAIN

Ethics of keeping mammals in zoos and aquariums / Michael D. Kreger and Michael Hutchins -- Challenges of zoo animal welfare / Ron Kagan and Jake Veasey -- Setting standards for evaluation of captive facilities / Joseph Barber ... [et al.] -- Physical methods of capture, handling, and restraint of mammals / Joe Christman -- A framework for introduction and socialization processes for mammals / David M. Powell -- Principles of and research on environmental enrichment for mammals / David Shepherdson -- Impact of emerging and zoonotic diseases on mammal management / Dominic Travis and Robyn Barbiers -- Safety considerations in a zoological park / Mark Rosenthal and William Xanten -- Contemporary topics in wild mammal nutrition / Charlotte Kirk Baer ... [et al.] -- Quality control aspects of feeding wild mammals in captivity / Barbara Henry, Michael Maslanka, and Kerri A. Slifka -- The history and principles of zoo exhibition / David Hancocks -- Visitors, conservation learning, and the design of zoo and aquarium experiences / Emily Routman, Jackie Ogden, and Keith Winsten -- Managing captive mammals in mixed-species communities / Jake Veasey and Gabriele Hammer -- Structural and keeper considerations in exhibit design / Mark Rosenthal and William A. Xanten -- How to develop a zoo-based environmental enrichment program : incorporating environmental enrichment into exhibits -- Cynthia Fernandes Cipreste, Cristiano Schetini de Azevedo, and Robert John Young -- Special considerations for the maintenance of marine mammals in captivity / Brian Joseph and James Antrim -- Zoological horticulture / Merle M. Moore and Don Peterkin -- New and sustainable directions in zoo exhibit design / Jon Coe and Greg Dykstra -- Demographic and genetic management of captive populations / Jonathan D. Ballou ... [et al.] -- Regional collection planning for mammals / Ruth Allard ... [et al.] -- Management of ""surplus"" animals / Scott Carter and Ron Kagan -- The role of captive populations in reintroduction programs / Joanne M. Earnhardt -- The role of zoos in contributing to in situ conservation / Alexandra Zimmermann -- Research trends in zoos / Terry L. Maple and Meredith J. Bashaw -- The importance of maintaining natural behaviors in captive mammals / M. Elsbeth McPhee and Kathy Carlstead -- Animal learning and husbandry training for management / Jill Mellen and Marty MacPhee -- Applying knowledge of mammalian social organization, mating systems, and communication to management / Ronald R. Swaisgood and Bruce A. Schulte -- The management of pregnancy and parturition in captive mammals / Patrick Thomas, Cheryl S. Asa, and Michael Hutchins -- Parental care and behavioral development in captive mammals / Katerina V. Thompson, Andrew J. Baker and Anne M. Baker -- Data collection in the zoo setting, emphasizing behavior / Carolyn M. Crockett and Renee R. Ha -- Reproductive physiology / Cheryl S. Asa -- Male reproduction : assessment, management, assisted breeding, and fertility control / Rebecca E. Spindler and David E. Wildt -- Endocrine monitoring of reproduction and stress / Keith Hodges, Janine Brown, and Michael Heistermann -- Contraception as a management tool for controlling surplus animals / Cheryl S. Asa and Ingrid J. Porton -- Appendix 1. Standard methods for measuring mammals / Barbara Lundrigan -- Appendix 2. Identification and marking techniques / Penny Kalk and Clifford G. Rice -- Appendix 3. Records, studbooks, regional zoo associations, and ISIS / Laurie Bingaman Lackey -- Appendix 4. Annotated bibliography of books, journals, and web sites on captive management / Kay Kenyon Barboza and Linda L. Coates.

Holdings: 3
Available: 3